About Us


Since its foundation in Turin in 1974, Sivit has been producing and selling resin compounds for industrial flooring and decorative flooring

The company immediately proved to be an important player in the Turin metalworking industry and, in time, it further expanded and consolidated its presence on the national market, developing solutions and cycles for a wide segment of industrial, commercial and civil sectors.

Sivit combines its production and supply with technical and post-sale support services; therefore customers do not only receive a product, but also a high quality service that makes it possible to achieve the best results.


Our values


Sivit is certified in accordance with the international ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment) and OHSAS 18001 (Health and Safety of Workers), that allow you to keep pace with an increasingly competitive and demanding market, offering customers the best guarantees in terms of product and process quality.

The Research and Development Laboratory creates new products and ensures the continuous improvement of existing products.

The Quality Control Laboratory supports the production by checking the quality of the product, with special reference to the specifications agreed with the customers.

The Applications Laboratory supports the daily needs of the applicators, carries out demonstrations for the customers, looks after the training of new workers and produces the samples.

The resin compounds are produced in the Turin factory, designed to meet the needs of its customers quickly and efficiently. Particular attentions paid to ensure the most suitable work conditions, and to best face the subject of environmental impact.
Our current production is used to cover approximately 1,000,000 sqm of floor per year. The floor-laying teams carry out interventions at the premises of our direct clients, and offer assistance to customers who use our products throughout Italy. The field experience is fundamental to the product improvement process.

Our International Locations