Salvi Lighting

Who we are

Since 1881 salvi lighting barcelona is present in the lighting world developing last generation lighting products for urban spaces. The company has consolidated its work in the Edition and production of public lighting elements and energy efficiency.

The company puts a special interest on the development of its activities with a continuously evolving team consisting of engineers, designers and technical experts, who make up the R&D, commercial and production departments. The work of whole team is focused on one target: research, innovate and provide the best service to customer.

Our presence in international fairs and our export activity has not stopped the local activity of Salvi lighting Barcelona and its adaptation to each city, town, market, customer or project specific characteristics. We think globally, act locally.

Innovation, quality and design are three elements present in all our lighting products adding value, guaranteeing originality and longevity to our whole range of products. Our quality department tests and verifies all materials, components, and finished products before coming to market.

The search of excellence on products operation and performance has always been a key factor to company succés. Salvi lighting Barcelona reseach includes all the components of lighting Systems:
– Innovative light sources – Use of sustainable materials – Quality control Systems – Welfare conquer in illuminated spaces

We design in order to build a smarter city in areas such as self-sufficiency and multi functionality, with the aim to get a zero-emission and hyper connected metropolis. We adjust our products to the new requirements of modern city spaces in order to allow the coexistence of urban elements and citizens, as well as its integration into landscape.

Our values

Our present key principle is to put less light. That is, QUALITY FOR QUANTITY , giving priority to pedestrians under criteria of highest efficiency, energy optimization and functional intelligence. Thereby increases the life quality, pedestrian safety on the streets and add value to neighborhoods. At the same time, the urban potential of sustainable development is promoted providing to management center the collected data for the continuous development of urban coexistence.