Iglucraft OÜ

Who we are

We produce Iglusaunas for people, so they can establish a routine, taking time for themselves and their health.

We produce Igluhuts for people to have an opportunity to go away with themselves and their loved ones.

We create Bespoke Models because no one knows better how to take time for yourself than you.

We give people the opportunity to take time in our Iglupark for a quick reset from daily routine.

Our values

Although we have acknowledged that there will not be a definitive truth on how it is right to TAKE TIME, we´re still in a continuous search of it; to constantly improve our lives and our products.

So far we are sure of one thing - we all should follow the paths of nature more; how it is forever changing, evolving and adapting. With a world that is becoming more and more regulated and structured for efficiency and practicality, you need a place to get in touch with the natural order of things.