About Us

Environments that shape behaviors.

Public spaces are constantly evolving ecosystems because what is always changing is the way we experience them. In such a challenging, and sometimes chaotic scenario, it is the objects we choose to have next to us that act as spur, binder, and facilitator. That is why understanding how people move and experience together, how they think and make decisions for themselves and others in shared environments is at the heart of Ibebi's design philosophy.

Community is a challenge.

Ibebi furnishes spaces to be lived intensely, those where people meet, work, relax and create relationships. It designs products suitable for the performance of different activities and tasks, to be combined for collectivity within fluid and agile spaces. Solutions designed to encourage freedom of movement and thought throughout the day, which find their greatest expression when they are able to inspire people and suggest new perspectives to them.

Our values

A responsibility for the future.

Ibebi believes in the power of relationships. We want people to feel free to move, exchange opinions and grow together knowing that they have contributed to create a more sustainable environment. As a design company, we believe that this is the biggest challenge we face: minimising our environmental impact and helping everyone make responsible choices. That is why Ibebi brings a commitment to the environment and a more sustainable future to every aspect of work, knowing that the decisions we make today have consequences on the world and lives of tomorrow. Simply put, we want our projects to last over time, both in terms of functionality and efficiency as well as aesthetics.