About Us


Holstroy (Vector group) company has been working in the field of mobile fast assembling structures designing and manufacturing since 2008. In this period we implemented more than 200 projects successfully operating on the territory of Ukraine, Russia, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Israel, France, Germany and other countries.

12 years ago Holstroy was the first company in the Ukrainian market who has developed and put into practice the production of air-inflatable structures. Now we are the leader in Ukraine and Russia in producing and installing air-inflatable buildings.

We also design and produce air-supported structures. In our practice, there were air-supported structures. covering the area from 15 to 7700 square meters. We have experience in building air-supported buildings on different types of soil, with a high level of inclination and irregularities.

Creating a variety of complex forms of concrete - cast-in-situ structures (monolithic structures) is one of the activities of the Holstroy company.

We also design and produce membrane and tensile structures for different uses: athletic fields, public pools, special events.


Holstroy Company has two production sites of 6000 m2 equipped with modern facilities.

A team of professionals

Our company employs talented designers, constructors, engineers and professional workers. We regularly monitor and implement new materials and manufacturing overseas technologies. Moreover, we are proud of our own inventions which designed to improve the technical and economic performance of buildings.


We have signed a contract for the direct supply of PVC fabrics with Mehler Texnologies Company (Germany). We use only high quality materials and equipment. We have tested the quality personally.

Let's build this world together!

Our values

Relationships with clients

We have trust-based long-lasting relations with our clients providing all the information they ask. You can try our products at any time. We always ready to organize a trip to the production sights for you and you will see different stages of manufacturing.

We love what we do. Interest to the task is the main work Incentive for us.

Our International Locations