HBT Energietechnik e.U.
Who we are
HBT ENERGY specializes in the development of attractive and innovative systems in the field of renewable energy. Outstanding optical appearance, exceptional functionality and sustainability are important features. Manufactured in Austria by highly skilled professionals, using only the most advanced raw materials and components, HBT's products exhibit the highest quality possible.
Design your individual CUBOX, the remarkable solar pavilion, or CHARMAX, the solar powered e-bike charging station or bus stop, together with us and give it your favorite, distinctive look. Countless options with regard to branding, materials and colors grant you an enormous scope to create your very specific model. Choose your desired version from various types, basic constructions and equipment packages.
Our values
'It is possible to produce energy completely from renewable sources.' We are convinced of this. We also believe that the global warming problem will soon lead the human race in this direction. Solar energy – and photovoltaics in particular – will play a decisive role.
Now, we want to make our contribution to a more environmentally friendly world, allowing our children to live as carefree a life as possible. Therefore, with the aid of photovoltaics, we develop intelligent systems which allow previously unimagined uses. Customers of HBT Energy can enhance their comfort and quality of life on one side, and develop interesting new business fields on the other.
Elegant and modern design is just as important to us as innovative technology and a high degree of functionality. Motivated, creative employees and a pleasant working environment guarantee attractive products in excellent quality. Accompany us along the path to an exciting future.