
About Us

Halla a.s. is an important Czech manufacturer and exporter of design lighting fixtures of a technical nature. Halla products combine cutting edge technical parameters with an imaginative appearance, enabling a perfect harmony of light and space especially due to Halla cooperation with designers and architects. Halla is always looking for new ways to push the boundaries of quality lighting while respecting nature, history as well as the current trends.

Our values

Halla is a Czech, progressive, innovative, trustworthy brand, expressing modern style, and we are proud of it.

Quality. We pay attention to quality of lightings, services and all processes from material selection, a first small screw choice, through complete service to subsequent customer care. We are using new technologies, customers initiatives and comments for continued improvement.

Employee care. We are creating a pleasant and friendly working environment. We are aware that the best place to work is a place where people feel fine, having an opportunity to develop. We recognize employee needs and put emphasis on their motivation and professional development.

Open communication. – We adhere to open communication, willingness to listen to different opinions at any level and ability to admit a mistake. We regard an open communication as a basis for teamwork, therefore, the door is always open for all of us.

Confidence. We are doing our best to gain complete confidence of our customers, partners and employees. We are trustworthy, solid, we are able and willing to solve non-standard situations.

Relation to customers. In relation to customers we are particular about partnership approach and personal relations fostering. Dealing with our customers is always professional.

We are reliable. We are always bringing things to an end and are working aware of the responsibility we bear for the results of our work.

We share knowledge. During more than twenty years of our existence we have gained much knowledge and professional experience and are not hesitating to share it.

We are innovative. We are always trying to find new ways to development and innovation.

Flexibility. We are flexible and always looking for ways of solution, not reasons for not doing something.

Our International Locations