Fratelli Mariani

About Us

Fratelli Mariani - Metal processing for architecture and industry.

The company Fratelli Mariani was founded in 1929 in the province of Como, a place where tradition of weaving and wire processing has always been united, creating a very high craftsmanship.

After 80 years, starting from an artisan reality, based on capability of its founders, the Mariani brothers, the Company, thanks to investments, research and a greatly wanted evolution of productive technology in order to meet the expectations of end users and improve its own market share, has turned into a leading company on the market.

Structured with two factories, a distribution centre in Cormano (Milan), and the headquarter in North Milan, Fratelli Mariani has its core business in the production of metallic products for a market more and more demanding, innovator and technological.


The board of Fratelli Mariani S.p.A. considers Quality as the key element to stimulate the improvement toward a real quality of process and product, increasing the competitive ability and the business efficiency.

Fratelli Mariani has received the certification according to the norm ISO 9002:94 in 1995 from the BVQI Italia accredited SINCERT. Following Q.S. has been update in line with the evolution of ISO norms (ISO 9001:2000 e ISO 9001:2008).

With the new norm the monitoring of the satisfaction of the client has been introduced, through special tools the comparisons are appraised, the analysis of the data allows to gather expectations and demands of the clients to satisfy them to the best.

The business politics sets particular attention to the “Customer Satisfaction” and to the continuous improvement. Essential elements are considered to stimulate the efficiency and therefore the competitiveness, together to the management of the process and the measurement and monitoring of the performances that increase the effectiveness of it.

Our values

Research, development and quality are the base of every project and success gained. Intuition, experience and reliability are values on which the Company works to obtain the Certification as per ISO 9002:94 from BVQI Italia, certified SINCERT.

Fratelli Mariani SpA, all along careful to the world social and economic changements, feels the requirements of the market to satisfy not only the functional but also the decorative aspects of the product. For this reason the brand MARIANItech® Architectural Solutions arises.

Fratelli Mariani SpA, always careful to the respect of the regulations in force, invests in research and development of products that are eco-sustainable and effective in energy-saving. It is now member of the Green Building Council. MARIANItech® products, manu-factured with fully recyclable raw materials, are now leader in the new projects accordingly to the most updated environmental laws and they give an important contribution in the CO2 emission reductions being natural sun screening elements for the buildings and also reducing the relative electrical consumptions.