About Us
For over 20 years Elleci has been commited to achieve, what has always been considered the technological expression and the key point between past and future:INNOVATION.
Thanks to the dedication to fulfil high quality and of authentic character projects, Elleci has turned to be nowadays "Washing area expert with great attention to the colour matching in the kitchen enviroment"
Elleci contributes to the sustainable production of street draining asphalts of new conception through the recycling of all the discarded sinks. All the discarded materials deriving from Elleci industrialproduction (polystyrene, cartons, iron, sink discard, andso on) are totally collected in order to be used for the recycled materials production.Material and energy recycling from civil and industrial wastes in the building industry is an optimal alternative for managing wastes and a safe solution for the collectivity and the environment. This system allows to save natural resources (non-renewable) and collect wastes in controlled conditions.
For these different reasons Elleci always been careful towards both the waste reduction and discarded sinks. According to these principles as well, Elleci applies the TQM (Total Quality Management), the "philosophy for managing an organisation in a way which enables it to meet stakeholder needs and expectations efficiently and effectively, without compromising ethical values".

Our values
Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success.
When you do a thing, do it with all your might.
Put your whole soul into it.
Stamp it with your own personality.
Be active, be energetic, be enthusiastic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Ralph Emerson thought perfectly combines in these few verses the philosophy of Team Elleci.
Tenacity, insight, innovative spirit put at the customer service in order to achieve his well-being.