
About Us

Celegon S.r.l. is an Italian company specialised in the production of hardware systems for furniture and interior doors.

On the market for over 40 years with patented technologies, it collaborates with leading companies in the furniture industry for the development of solutions aimed at the optimization of spaces.

It specialises in the development and production of original systems and, thanks to partnerships with established designers of the industry, it creates new technological solutions to enrich the design alternatives in the hands of the architect and the decorator, solving with simplicity the problems related to the accessibility and management of interior spaces.

In recent years, Celegon has developed, patented, and distributed the opening technologies ERGON® and COMPACK living, innovative hardware systems that have enriched the product range of interior openings by improving accessibility and use of space, thanks to the great reliability of the technology, expressed with products applicable to every type of finish for interior doors.

The quality and reliability of products is a priority for Celegon. The hardware systems, in fact, have passed endurance tests for 100.000 openings/closings, as required by the strictest European Standards.

Our values


The ERGON® Living system allows the simultaneous rotation and translation of the door during its opening and closing, thus reducing the dimensions by 50% and creating more accessible interior spaces, especially for smaller environments, and, most of all, meeting the needs of people with disabilities who use a wheelchair.

Also, thanks to the bidirectional opening, ERGON® Living solves the problems related to the exit routes for public venues.

ERGON® technology is currently available with the patented hardware systems ERGON® Living (Living ERGON® S40, ERGON® Living T.E., ERGON® Living T.E. Slim and ERGON® Ocean) and the ERGON® Community doors line.


Thanks to the consolidated collaboration with Massimo Bonetti Design, Celegon has developed the COMPACK Living® system, an innovative opening solution for interior folding doors.

The mechanism is reliable, easy to use, and with a traditional handle it allows the door to fold laterally on the wall (180° opening) or in the classic perpendicular position (90° opening) without using tracks and runners. The movement is more fluid and silent, and, more importantly, more stable than traditional track systems.

The COMPACK living® line includes the COMPACK living® 180° and COMPACK living® 90° series.


Attentive to the needs of the public sector, Celegon created Linea Community, a series of doors designed for the community in terms of maximum ergonomics, durability, and quality.

Designed for particularly active places (like hospitals, nursing homes, sports centres, offices, and crowded places), they are constructed in a manner that accessing the various environments is a simple operation, and it follows the current safety regulations.

Linea Community includes the ERGON® Community and NORMAL Community doors and the Sliding Doors outside/inside the wall.