About Us
In 1976 Sante Cantori started to make the most of the
richly varied network of craftsmanship skills in the area
of Camerano.
In just a few years, the company achieved industrial
development, acquiring large market shares in Italy and
The beautiful shapes and the extraordinary variety of
proposals may seduce at fi rst glance. However, it is only
by touching the soft fi nishes and the fi ne handcrafted
decorations, seeing fi rst-hand the quality of the
materials and the solidness of the frames that you will
truly understand the absolute inimitability of Cantori’s
Every single creation signed by Cantori is a coordination
of images and contents, the total integration
between shape and substance.
Our values
Cantori represents and develops
contemporary style, marked by delicate
sensations, minimalist and sophisticated
emotions, and by intimate shades of colour.
Cantori further broadened its creative and
productive activity in the world of large
residential and commercial projects. An
example is the famous luxury yacht Chopi
Chopi. Endurance Lifestyle and Endurance
al Royal Windsor Horse Show, Caravita,
100 Torri, Regina Teodolinda, Hilton
Shangri-la Hotel at the Shard London;
Penthouse Moscow are other outstanding
projects designed by Cantori, where items
of the Cantori’s collections complement the
bespoke furniture.
Cantori is a synonym of quality,
craftsmanship, utmost care for details ...
all the requirements needed to guarantee a
genuine, made in Italy product.Starting from your ideas, we create pieces of furniture that are
Every project represents an important work we carry out in
collaboration with the designer.
We invest in our skilled professional artisans to fulfi l the entire
productive process. In this way, every single piece of furniture
becomes a little, precious work of art.Our corporate philosophy is based on
quality and privacy.
We are proud of working side by side
with every designer to develop their
We do our best to support them with
our top quality and eminent expertise,
matured in over 40 years of activity.
Cantori’s world is outstanding for its
creations, designed to become unique,
prestigious pieces of furniture.
In every project Cantori respects the
highest quality standards and carries out
continuous technological research: these
are the values of its refi ned taste.
“My job forces me to pay due attention to both home
decor trends and the wellbeing of the dwellers. The
collaboration with several designers encourages me to
imagine a house of discreet luxury, intimate, in which
family furniture, books, rare objects, memories and the
future still to come naturally nd a place: a perfect blend
of customisation, comfort and home innovation.
My most important goal is to create furnishing items
that are elegant and joyful, functional and coordinated.
Although many centuries separate us from the craft
shops of the past, an object designed and manufactured
with care still expresses the intelligence of the person
who created and crafted it: the added value of Cantori’s
products lies in the perfect quality of workmanship, a
result obtained together with all the people who work
with me.”
Sante Cantori was born in one of the most
exclusive cultural and entrepreneurial centres
in Italy. Sante grew and studied in Marche
region during the economic boom, with a
great dream: creating his own original story.
Once he had gained some experience in the
business world, he eventually reached his
goal, establishing his own company in 1976,
together with his brother Fabio and his sister
Fiorella. Cantori’s adventure in the furniture
world had begun.