Canavisia s.r.l.
About Us
Canavisia s.r.l. is an innovative start-up, founded in 2014 as a result of the collaboration of six companies from the province of Turin (northwestern Italy). The company is focused on creating innovative and quality furnishings for interior and exterior use, based on the Internet of Things paradigm (IOT) in which technology and internet connectivity, integrated into real objects, enables them to interact with people and other devices via web. The first product is the Smart Bench, a bench with integrated intelligence and sensors, enabling it to provide services, transmit information and monitored data, and to be remotely controlled via web. Canavisia’s aim is to make useful and attractive physical objects that are totally integrated into the digital world to deliver benefits in terms of safety, efficiency, energy savings and, in more general terms, quality of life. The Canavisia team includes specialists in the IT, electronics and design.
The Smart Bench, developed completely in Italy, is ideal for internal and external use both in private and public meeting places, and includes features that meet all of the criteria of the new concepts of smart living and smart city.
An innovative design and the use of quality materials make the Smart Bench ideal for high quality decorating of public places such as those found in or near touristic, cultural and commercial place.

Our values
Canavisia intends to become a market leader of intelligent and quality seating. Our mission is to create innovative furniture for private and public meeting-place, focusing on design and use of technologies, with particular attention to the use of renewable energy and people safety.