- Kitchen & Bathroom >
- Bathrooms >
- Bathroom mirror >
REXA bathroom mirrors
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Height: 48 cm - 192 cm
Width: 48 cm - 192 cm
Polished edge mirror, without frame. Available without or with a rear integrated light all around.
Rexa Design
Polished edge mirror, without frame. It can be cut on the bottom to be installed on a shelf or other supports.
Rexa Design
Height: 40, 59 cm
Width: 40, 59 cm
Depth: 10 cm
Pois mirror with horizonal or vertical frame in Corian or metal.
Rexa Design
Height: 70 cm
Width: 60 cm
Depth: 10 cm
Inside vertical mirror with central LED lighting and frame with double-sided mirror glass.
Rexa Design
Height: 70 cm
Width: 60 cm
Depth: 10 cm
Carrè vertical mirror with double-sided glass frame.
Rexa Design
Height: 150 cm
Width: 40 cm
Depth: 5 cm
Inside.2 vertical mirror with central LED lighting.
Rexa Design
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