Focus gas fireplaces
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ROTATING SUSPENDED CENTRAL GAS MODEL FOCUS has achieved a real technological milestone by allowing gas to flow through a plate in the ceiling and then down through an insulated conduit into the fireplace, ...
Focus Creation

Heat output: 5 kW
... room, near a wall or in a corner. Its exceptionally fluid lines make it one of Focus’s most stylistically revolutionary fireplaces. hermetically sealed fire, with glass door opening on hinges Flue and other adaptation ...
Focus Creation

Heat output: 7, 6 kW
... operation in case of a power cut Combustible : natural gas or propane Decorative logs (ceramic) Paint: matt black PERFORMANCES NOMINAL HEAT INPUT (NATURAL GAS) 6 - 7 KW CONSUMPTION (NATURAL ...
Focus Creation

Heat output: 9, 7 kW
Length: 1,194 mm
Height: 521 mm
... mechanism for the burner and the gas supply system are built into the base. Operated by remote control (lighting, programming, adjustment, etc.) Batteries allow continued operation in case of a power cut Combustible ...
Focus Creation

Length: 125 cm
Width: 125 cm
ROTATING SUSPENDED CENTRAL GAS MODEL Today, this model with multiple international and prestigious awards proposes gas as fuel. Led through a hidden insulated conduit, the gas – natural ...
Focus Creation

Heat output: 7.8, 9 kW
Length: 700 mm
Width: 700 mm
... Bathyscafocus on a base is both a faithful and a practical companion. > Free-standing central fireplace. > Both the electronic mechanism for the burner and the gas supply system are built into the ...
Focus Creation

Heat output: 6 kW
Length: 865 mm
Width: 865 mm
... our living spaces. The style evokes the clean open spaces of Japanese interiors. The fireplace includes: - 5 curved glass panels for wood burning and 3 for gas burning - a platform that can be placed ...
Focus Creation

Heat output: 10.4 kW - 12.6 kW
Length: 1,100 mm
Width: 1,100 mm
... mechanism for the burner and the gas supply system are built into the base. Operated by remote control (lighting, programming, adjustment, etc.) Batteries allow continued operation in case of a power cut Combustible ...
Focus Creation

Central wood or gas fireplace In the autumn of 2000, star architect Norman Foster commissioned Dominique Imbert, artist and founder of Focus, to create a custom-designed model for the vast reception ...
Focus Creation

raw steel, central firaplace, created in 1975 by Dominique Imbert. central, opened fireplace
Focus Creation
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