Zeromur – is high, frequently up to the ceiling door: 220,240,260,270cm and even higher. It is possible thanks to a reinforced construction of the wing, which was prepared specifically for requirements of the high door. The element particularly distinguishing ZEROMUR system and affecting its original design is hiding its all complementary elements: door casing, magnetic lock, adjustable hinges, self-closing mechanism and self-falling seal. Regulation of hinges in three levels -3D (it makes it possible to fix the door wing in the door casing), additionally these hinges enables to open the wing in inclination up to 180º (for the door open outwards).
ZEROMUR system – thanks to correctly shaped profile, special seals system, lack of aperture between the door casing and the wall, together with the wing thickness of 50mm, it muffles the sound perfectly (35 dB).
ZEROMUR door casing – is perfect for fixing both in brick walls and for plaster-cardboard walls. It is made of materials of high damp resistance. Thanks to special aluminum alloy and plastic elements, it is perfect for “wet” rooms, such as: saunas, swimming-pools or bathrooms. The door casing and the wing can be covered with glass, which makes them ideal with the room arrangement