SYSTEXX Active stands for products with extra functional uses. These wall coverings are the answer to special requirements (e.g., for old buildings, schools or company buildings).
SYSTEXX Active AcousTherm noticeably reduces reverberation, absorbs sound waves and at the same time slows down the flow of heat into the masonry. This helps to improve the acoustics of noisy rooms and saves energy into the bargain. An impressive performance for a material which is just 3.0 mm thick. What more can you ask for?
Our lives are accompanied by sounds and noises which we may find melodious, unpleasant, or even annoying. So optimizing noise levels, both at home and in the workplace, has a positive impact on our well-being and improves our performance and ability to concentrate. SYSTEXX Active AcousTherm was designed precisely with this in mind.
Coated or uncoated – SYSTEXX Active AcousTherm meets the requirements for sound absorption class E thanks to its sound-absorbing properties. It noticeably reduces reverberation and effectively improves room acoustics.
With a low flammability rating, SYSTEXX Active AcousTherm is particularly suitable for use in areas where fire protection plays an important role. Not many wall coverings can claim that.