The V120-2.2 MW™ optimises park level production under stable low to medium wind conditions.
Vestas' V120-2.2 MW™ is built on the successful installation of more than 54 GW of the 2 MW turbines. The V120-2.2 MW™ is built to generate more energy in stable low to medium wind conditions, achieving AEP improvements of up to 14%*.
With its 19 %* larger swept area , the V120-2.2 MW™ is harvesting more energy from available wind and setting a new benchmark for park level LCoE performance.
This latest extension to the globally trusted 2 MW platform combines advanced aerodynamic engineering with deep, insight-based operational data to aggressively drive down the cost of energy where it matters - at park level. On a MW constrained site, the V120-2.2 MW™ benefits from larger rotors, delivering a more stable energy production with a higher power output at lower wind speeds. Ultimately, this means higher certainty in power performance.
High Wind Operation
Power Mode (site specific)
Condition Monitoring System
Vestas Ice Detection
Smoke Detection
Vestas Shadow Flicker Control System
Low Temperature Operation to -30˚C
Aviation Lights
Aviation Markings on the Blades
Vestas InteliLight™
Vestas Bat Protection System