Place electrical installation components in 2D and 3D
In addition, you can place distributors and cable trays along with their fillings directly in the 3D area. Supports such as booms, consoles, suspension and top plates can be positioned automatically along the route of the cable runs. Label the components with all properties and add any other properties you require (e.g. item number, order number, etc.) to the standard.
All properties can be exported into Excel spreadsheets.
The Report Manager, which is available as an add-on module, allows you to create freely definable bills of materials and export them to Excel, for example. You specify which information in the TRICAD MS Info Dialog should be evaluated for each component.
Intelligent components (manufacturer-specific or neutral)
3D busbars
Cable tray filling (capacity, total weight)
Bill of quantities for all components, parts and trays
Interface for lighting calculation with DIALux