The performance requirements for solar transmission through the Texlon® ETFE cladding were complex and challenging. Generally it is important for modern sports stadia in which events are televised that complex variegated shadows are not cast on the pitch by over-hanging roof structures as this interferes with the capacity of the television cameras to track play across the pitch. Light transmission should therefore be diffuse to prevent the formation of bold demarcated shadows by the roof structure. Vector Foiltec has extensive know-how in this field and was able to provide a technically superior yet economic solution.In the case of the San Mames stadium it was also important that the portion of the canopy immediately overhanging the pitch be as transparent as possible to ensure that the maximum levels of sunlight fall on the pitch during the winter months to maintain grass growth. Conversely the outer section of the canopy covering the highest tiers of seating needed to minimise solar transmission to ensure user comfort during the summer months when heat gain from the sun is at its highest. These conflicting requirements were achieved by the use of differing combinations of clear and print foils and foils with a bespoke embodied inorganic pigment developed by Vector Foiltec within the panel build up as you pass across the roof canopy from the inner to the outer edge – ensuring enhanced ambient comfort.