"Crosswords lignum" is the chapter dedicated to real parquet, made of solid wood 14mm thick (same thickness as the ceramic line: "hydraulicart"”). Italian "Oak" type parquet, in the 2 natural colours: "Light" and "Dark".
As far as this is concerned, we have created a range of formats typical of Parquet: the boards of 20×2000 cm size; hexagons in size: 11×22 cm; chevron (French plug) in size 9×61 cm, and finally, also 2 types of wooden rosettes with the possibility of including inside our decorated tiles.
A mix of ceramics and wood that further enhances this chapter.
Format rosettes: 56.8×56,8 or 75×75 cm.
All the various types of "lignum" can also be supplied in the colour of the desired "Mood", in the event that they must be combined with the other types of material belonging to the "Crosswords & hydraulicart" series.