CONICIS 40 washbasin is made of cast concrete. Design by Urbi et Orbi studio in 2013.
Weight: 19 kil
Available in 6 shades (Anthracite, Dark Grey, Medium Grey, Light Grey, Ivory, Brown/Beige).
Every piece may appears with color tone variants at its surface, as also between the pieces or the sample.
Concrete surfaces displays several air holes. This is a natural characteristic of concrete.
However this effects only at the outside area.
Our company specializes in the production of concrete design elements. The raw material that we use is a unique reinforced mixture of cement, additives enhancers and special aggregates.
The durability of concrete is known from the building construction.
However the untreated concrete is not sufficient to construct a functional washbasin. Concrete is porous, so it absorbs and smudges easily. So, in order to be waterproof and protected from unwanted stains, is necessary the treatment and the sealing of the surface.
The waterproofing system which we apply over the surface, consisting of specific varnishes in four stages, and achieves the best result while also does not affect the natural appearance and the texture of concrete.