Service Temperature Food Preserving is a patented technology that has been
designed to preserve food at the temperature at which it is served and eaten. It means that you can cook food, keep it hot without blast freezing and regenerating
it, and serve it in a few seconds at any time of the day and with zero waiting time
for your customers. With only 600 mm deep, the EVEREO® 600 is the compact
solution for quick installations in small spaces and outside the kitchen area. The EVEREO® 600 easily fits any business and is available with left or right door
opening. The wide glass and the LED light allow maximum visibility of the products while the compact size allows you to quickly identify the products to be served without taking out the trays.
Temperature: 58 °C – 75 °C
● Automatic program set: possibility to select the food to be preserved in the preloaded program list and automatically regeneration time, preserving temperature
and time will be set up for you
● Tray assignement: possibility to assign one preserving program to a dedicated
● MULTI.Time list: technology to manage up to 06 timers to preserve different
products at the same time
● ROP: manage the programs Reorder Point (the minimum number of sous-vide
single portions that must always be present in your chamber) in order to not run
out during service of your best selling menu items
● CLIMA.Control: humidity or dry air set by 10%
● Store up to 256 users programs
● MULTY.DAY MODE: choose or set the program that is more suitable to preserve
your food for days or weeks in sealed containers