Wall hung, Low NOx (class 6), condensing gas boiler, with total premix burner - room sealed - electronic ignition and continuous modulation, with D.H.W. production, IPX5D, Certified ErP Class A
Certified ErP class A+ System (ηs > 98%) with optional “A+ KIT” composed by wireless modulating room thermostat + outdoor sensor compensation (Class VI +4%)
Output: 20 kW heating / 33 kW D.H.W.
High soundproofing: only 39 dB (front and side panels with double high density plastic coating)
Patented Heat Exchanger/Condenser in Al/Si/ Mg alloy
Electronic ignition and flame control through a single electrode
Modulation ratio until 1: 8
Total premix burner with constant combustion ratio with electropneumatic modulating gas valve and modulating fan
Regulation of minimum output in heating mode
Secondary plate heat exchanger in stainless steel, with 18 plates with the “thermal length” optimized for the condensation
Quick DHW production, thanks to the increase of the plates number of the DHW heat exchanger
HWS “Hot Water Speed”: to eliminate the delay in DHW production
Two zones Management: high / low temperature with differentiated priority
Electronic antifreeze protection
Guaranteed operation up to -15°
Pump anti-jamming function
Pump overrun function
Safety limit thermostat
Flow temperature sensor
Return temperature sensor
D.H.W. temperature sensor (only for model K+ “C”)
High efficiency modulating pump directive conforming to the Erp 2015
Expansion vessel of 10 litres capacity
Automatic air vent
Safety pressure switch against the lack of water
Safety pressure relief valve at 3 bar
Panel board with potentiometric temperature adjustment and functions selector equipped with display