"Create memorable façades that play with light, from extreme matt to sparkling gloss"
Use natural light to give your design a completely new look and feel. Let it reflect, redirect or mute light – it’s up to you and your vision.
Lumen Brings Reflections of Light
With Trespa® Meteon® Lumen panels, available in 3 textures across multiple colours, light can be creatively manipulated and used as a design element. Trespa® Meteon® Lumen changes the way designs are perceived by reflecting, refracting and muting how light plays upon a panel with three different finishes: Diffuse, Oblique & Specular.
Silky smooth to the touch, the Diffuse finish has a low light reflectivity and no texture. Light is scattered, creating a super-smooth, super-matte surface.
This matte + gloss combination of the Oblique finish is smooth to the touch but bright with visual texture. The natural gloss patterning refracts and reflects light, making the surface appear dappled by sunlight.
The high gloss finish will deepen colours and reflect its surroundings, integrating buildings seamlessly into the environment.
Trespa® Meteon® offers seven finishes that not only give physical durability to High Pressure Laminate (HPL) panels, but will enrich the decors with a natural look and feel as well. Each finish is selected to enhance the Trespa® Meteon® product, whether it is a Uni Color, Natural, Wood, Focus, Metallic or Lumen product. Finishes transform the surface, allowing you to play with color, pattern and texture to achieve your architectural vision.