Sweeper-BM speed gate is a perfect solution where contemporary aesthetics and functionality are required. The glass top and side panels provide a feeling of transparency and make it ideal for the most demanding building entrances. The swinging waist-high turnstile
Sweeper-BM can operate in two modes: normally closed and normally open. Both access directions are free when the turnstile is deenergized.
Sensor system allows detecting the passage of person with
luggage, arranging a free exit without the need for identification;
- DotLights® LED lighting display showing access status
• The BMDrive® mechanism controller is equipped with an
OLED display for easy setup and configuration without special
programmers, also a full configuration and diagnostics is
possible via a USB connector by using a service software for
Windows OS;
• Digital control of force and leaf speed in combination with six
safety sensors prevent a passing person from being struck by a
leaf, even in case of an unauthorized passage;
• Can be integrated with any type of access control systems;
• Wired remote control panel in standard kit;
• In case of power failure, leaves could be opened manually
• Elegant cabinets equipped with integrated LED lighting
- RFIDLights® - LED Light of card reader area
• Wide passage solution for disabled and trolley access that can be
combined with narrow passage;
• Safe and swing tempered glass leaves;
- EdgeLights® - LED Light of glass partitions showing turnstile
access status;
• The ability to customize housing design and top lid;
• Successful combination of affordable price and high quality;