Thermocell® is an innovative 500-litre patented stratification puffer designed to obtain the maximum energy saving. Its installation simplifies the management of existing systems and it can be interfaced with a pallet or wood generator, a gas or gas oil boiler, a central heating chimney or a central heating cooker. Thermocell® exalts the characteristics of the generators connected, offering absolute peace of mind and a guarantee of good system operation Easy to integrate with traditional radiator central heating systems, it can also be connected to a low-temperature system of the latest generation such as underfloor systems. The external casing is made of an ecological thermoformed and scratchproof material while it is insulated inside using rigid insulation with a thickness of 75 mm. The insulation ensures the minimum dispersion as it is foamed directly around the puffer. Patented design. Rivestimento esterno in materiale termoformato ecologico ed antigraffio, è isolato internamente con coibentazione rigida dello spessore di 75mm. L’isolamento offre minime dispersioni perché direttamente schiumato attorno all’accumulo. Design brevettato.