Plasterboard sheet coupled with Isolmant Telogomma, a special elastodynamic EPDM rubber-based mass covering with mineral fillers. Its characteristics guarantee a high vibration damping, as well as an important acoustic insulation even at low frequencies. Specific solution to enhance the acoustic insulation of the false wall in combination with a traditional plasterboard sheet.
High-performance acoustic insulation, to be installed with plugs directly on to the existing wall or screwed onto a metal frame as a single or second slab.
• High acoustic insulation.
• High mechanical resistance.
• Unalterable over time.
• Unlimited durability.
• Non-toxic and non-allergenic.
• Easy installation.
Item specifications
Massive elasto-dynamic insulation layer based on special compound EPDM rubber with mineral fillers, surface density 4 kg/m2, thickness 2 mm, coupled with 12.5 mm thick plasterboard, type A, D, H2 (type IsolGypsum Telogomma S/SI/D+R/D+S).
Nominal thickness 14.5 mm.