Unmatched ability to handle heat density needs of the most demanding mission critical facilities
One GrateAire® can cool over 12kw of heat and up to 25kw in a contained system at .2 inches H20
Achieve densification not possible with perforated panels
Effortless reconfiguration and retrofit of any existing stringered access floor, without modification
GrateAire® die-cast aluminum panels have 56% unobstructed open area.
Rolling load capacity equal to that of ConCore® 1250 panels (1000 lbs for 10 pass & 800 lbs for 10,000 pass).
Available with top surface adjustable dampers.
GrateAire® is available with an unpainted textured surface or epoxy powder coatings in white, and sandstone finish
Die-cast aluminum panels with 56% unobstructed open area.
Interchangeable with laminated Woodcore 5000 panels
Load Performance equal to that of Woodcore 5000 panels
Available with top surface adjustable dampers.
Available with light gray conductive epoxy powder coat.