Premium Vertical Sunbed for Domestic Applications
The Tansun Sapphire 2m Premium is the perfect choice of sunbed for your home. The Tansun 2m Sapphire Premium sunbed holds a prominent position in the domestic tanning sunbed market boasting excellent quality and efficiency similar to a commercial tanning unit.
Comprised with a top fan and top plate, the Sapphire Premium allows for extra cooling plus straps for underarm tanning, offering a complete tanning experience in the comfort of your home.
With its unique design, outstanding performance and easiness in transportation, handling and installation, the Tansun 2m Premium Sapphire is a robust sunbed that offers unsurpassed tanning results. No starters, no darkening of the tubes, long lamp life and light weight are characteristics that increase the demand for this unit.
The benefit of this new revolutionary sunbed is that it offers most of the benefits of a commercial sunbed but at a lower cost. What is more, there is no need for initial electrical outlay such as setting up for single or three phase as you would do for most commercial sunbeds. The unique 2m Sapphire Premium sunbed can be plugged into your 2 x 13A normal plug sockets and away you go at no additional cost for installing electrics. The lightweight and powerful sunbed is ready to buy today.
Tansun 2m Sapphire Premium sunbed is suitable for
-Personal gym
-Domestic Leisure facilities
-Outer house
-Most rooms in the house
-All domestic and personal use areas