Discretely built in to the heart of your home.
Restrained in-setting with subtle curves: installed to your requirements, flame and warmth are as one with your interior. Thanks to its three-door system, the Stûv30 three-in-one offers three modes of use. This inset stove enables you to direct hot air as you require, with or without a fan.
The Stûv 30-in insert can be fitted with a telescopic riser up to the ceiling, which guides the hot air and enables hot air grilles to be avoided.
Changing mode only takes a few seconds: all you have to do is pivot the drum of your Stûv 30 until the door you want is in front of the stove opening.
The glass door gives a magnificent view of the flames, guaranteeing safety, eco-friendliness and savings, thanks to its excellent output.
The solid door slows down the fire and optimises performance.
Open fire mode means that you can make the most of the crackling flames, the smell of the wood... and even have a barbeque!
The solid door has insulation to cut off radiated heat.
The glass is protected and does not get dirty.
The solid door hides the inside of the stove when it is not in use.
The Stûv 30 can also be used as an open fire.
Use this position to add more wood or to enjoy the radiated heat.
To obtain better heat comfort through uniformly distributed temperatures, please apply the following principle:
A fan (located under the stove, for example) sucks ambient air through a network of ducts in the furthest locations in the room or in neighbouring areas, avoiding picking up heavy dust on the ground.