Heavy-Heavy (H-H) Block Seats can be used to create all sorts of configurations. H-H beams (14x21 cm – 5.5”x8.2”) in FSC Hardwood or the Lava Grey TWIN material are mounted to thick-walled slanted steel supports. The H-H Block Seats are ideal for campus or school grounds as individual cubes or in linked bench configurations.
The H-H Block Seats are available in both 3-slat (48 cm –19” wide) and 5-slat (80 cm – 31” wide) versions and are available with or without a backrest
Possibilities and constraints
. Available in standard lengths ca. 48 or 80 cm
. Available with or without an integrated backrest
. By default finished in galvanised steel (-TH), optionally steel parts in untreated weathering
steel (-CT) or finished in a double layer powder coating (-PC)