Customized control system with microcontroller regulation, overheating control logic with electronic expansion valve.
DC inverter compressors: twin-rotary Dc Inverte.
Ventilation: DC inverter with axial fan
Source exchanger: optimized circuit with finned coil, copper pipes and hydrophilic aluminum fins.
Users exchanger. A brazed stainless steel plate AISI 316 with reduced pressure drop on the water side.
Refrigerant circuit: The circuit is made with copper pipes and includes: condensing control, electronic expansion valve, reversing valve, high/low pressure switch, separator and liquid receiver, valves for maintenance and control, double-inlet pressure, high and low pressure transducers.
Integral hydraulic system: pump with high efficiency brushless circulator, expansion tank, flow switch, air valve, pressure relief valve (6 bar), pressure gauge, water valve for system charge/discharge.