Interior: Use on carefully jointed and smoothed plasterboard.
Does not mask tannin leaks.
Surfaces must be clean, dry, sound, and contain between 6 and 16% humidity.
• Three actions in two coats: Undercoat, Filler and Finishing.
• Highly attractive smooth finish.
• Needs no further smoothing.
• Easy to sand.
Airless Pump: Recommended tip 627 with special filler pump.
From 1.2 kg to 1.5 kg /m².
All types of paints and coatings.
Surfaces must be prepared according to French DTU standards.
The less powerful the pump, the smaller the tip will be.
For optimum results, apply this method:
1) Spray a first coat of filler of around 300-400 g/m², which will reveal imperfections and serve as an undercoat.
2) Then, carefully smooth the surface.
3) After drying, sand and remove any dust.
4) Lastly spray the final coat using 1.2 kg/m² at a distance of 80 cm from the surface. Needs no further smoothing.