Among the solutions offered by Sistema Masa are those involving special designs which are used in building projects that have a certain unique character in terms of their fixing elements. This kind of building solutions allows adjustments in the fixing systems to respond to functional and/or aesthetic needs, while ensuring the necessary safety standards thanks to a comprehensive evaluation of their functioning.
This type of made-to-measure solutions allows the project architect to design façades of greater complexity. Sistema masa and its technical department will take care of materializing the concept, providing their expertise in the development of fixing elements and offering the guarantee of a company specialized in supporting systems with the necessary flexibility to ensure a quick and effective installation on site.
Particularly suitable for special projects not involving the use of standardized systems.
-Minimum thickness of the panel cladding: Depending on the project and the material used.
-Joint between panels with a recommended minimum distance of 6 mm (vertically and horizontally).
-With materials such as fiber cement and high-pressure laminates, the distance of the joints depend on the dimensions of the panels to be fixed.
-Machining: depending on the above mentioned factors.
-Calculations performed with densities up to 3000 kg/m3.