The square glass block 1111/8 has been created as a further module to complete its respective square glass block 2424/8 and the rectangular block 2411/8.
It can be singly to create geometric patterns based on small formats, or in combination with the large square and rectangular modules in the same family
Glass block 1111/8 is available in the smooth glass design and with three different finishings (transparent, sand blasted on 1 side or on 2 sides).
Other formats and Thicknesses: ideal for lighter-weight and aesthetically pleasing walls, thinner than standards.
Glass block designed for vertical structures in different formats and thicknesses to increase flexibility and versatility with wall compositions.
Create structurally more solid and stable walls with 1919/10 glass blocks, or lighter and thinner walls with 1919/5. Mix and match the big formats with 1111/8, available in different glass designs and finishings.