Our STRAIGHT-SIDED GARDENING TUNNELS exist with widths of 6m, 7.80m, 9.60m and 12m. They can be coupled to realize bi-tunnels or more.
The straight-sided tunnel greenhouses for gardening are popular for their ease of assembly and their working comfort.
Their use is diversified: salad, spinach, cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes, turnip, celery, strawberries and early potatoes.
Every kind of side vents can be installed, motorised or not, with or without windbreak or anti insect nets.
Our range of STRAIGHT-SIDED TUNNELS is characterized by the following benefits:
- Models developed to be assembled by the gardeners
- The straight base allows work to be done on the sides with ease
- The products of this range are approved by the greenhouse standard 13 031-1 (Insurability)
- High height rollable side vents thanks to the straight base