The Multispan ATLANTIQUE 11.60m greenhouse was created upon request of certain producers looking for a big shelter which could both have a great air volume for an excellent sanitary condition and a great width so they could grow 6 Nantes strip-tills (1,4m wide bands of tilled land).
This shelter is particularly appreciated for mechanized farming with the same tools as in an open field.
This big volume shelter is used by market gardeners for the production of chew, salad, radish, young shoots of spinach, arugula, early potatoes, turnip, baby vegetables, ...
The greenhouse can be adapted to have suspended cultures for the production of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and soilless strawberries.
This multispan is designed with our aluminium beam gutter (see JRC Innovations for more information) for an increased brightness.
The structure of this plastic-covered multispan is made of our Oval Tube TO95 High Resistance (see JRC Innovations for more information) for increased strength and a faster assembly.
Two types of ridge aeration are available:
PERMANENT OPENING : A permanent opening for a healthy atmosphere: good ventilation, low temperature fluctuation and a good development of vegetable cultures. With or without windbreak nets.
AIR + OPENING : An opening positionned at the highest point of each span (ridge), with the possibility of closing and opening of vegetable cultures needing an optimal aeration.