The smallest measure of CALM Partition Walls is 50 cm wide, perfect for limited workspaces or customer service areas. Just like other CALM environment dividers, 50 cm CALM Partition Wall can be made of oak melamine, upholstered or sound absorbing upholstered and it can be placed separately or creating a rectangular or trapezoidal composition.
The width of this portable room divider is 70 cm and it maintains the same height as the other CALM Partition Walls, 126 cm, creating a sensation of greater tranquillity without losing contact with the other side of the room divider. The CALM Partition Wall 70 can be made of oak melamine, upholstered or sound absorbing upholstered and it can be placed separately or creating a rectangular or trapezoidal composition.
126 cm high and 100 cm wide. These are the measurements of CALM Partition Wall 100, a portable room divider designed to create environments with more tranquillity in workspaces and customer service areas. CALM Partition Wall 100 can be made of oak melamine, upholstered or sound absorbing upholstered and it can be placed separately or forming rectangular or trapezoidal compositions.
This portable room divider is the largest measure in CALM Partition Walls, 140 cm x 126 cm. With the objective of creating more private environments in workspaces and customer service areas, the CALM Partition Wall 140 can be made of oak melamine, upholstered or sound absorbing upholstered and it can be placed separately or forming rectangular or trapezoidal compositions.