Schneider Electric New Unica dimmer NU351418 is a mechanism in color white with 2 modules. 230V is the rated operational voltage. And the associated fuse rating is 16. And the control type of this dimmer is local control, remote control by auxiliary push-button. Its protection type is automatic overload protection, overheating protection, short-circuit protection, taking care of your safety as much as possible. Its matching mounting box can be recessed into the surface of the wall with flush type. The connection terminals of this dimmer are screw terminal. What's more, its directives are 2014/30/EU - electromagnetic compatibility, 2014/35/EU - low voltage directive. It is 45 mm in width, 45 mm in height, 47 mm in depth, and with an embedding depth of 29 mm. And the product weighs 0.129 kg. Besides, the IP rating of this device is IP20, IP21. It obtained CE, EAC, FIMKO, NEMKO, NF, SEMKO, VDE certificate as well. What's more, it well satisfied the standard of EN 300-328, EN 301-489-17, EN 60669-2-1, EN 60730-2-7. And it is mercury free As a green premium product, this device is environmentally friendly as well. New Unica includes a suite of new designs, colors and materials.Users benefit from beautiful design that match their style and innovative products. New Unica is designed with clever features to be flexible, easy to understand and quick to install providing solutions for all customers requirements.