This systems has got two guides for the shoring plates.
>Due to the second guide not the entire shoring height must be removed at one time but only the shoring plate in one guide has to be taken out first.
Same like the other shoring systems also here the compatible rolling struts can be used and offer a wide range of applications.
When laying pipes with overlength the rolling struts can be positioned staggered in height so that they allow to pitch in the pipes.
The Double Slide Rail Shoring is mainly used in deep trench constructions where high strut clearances are required and where the terrain tends to settings. With a soil support also larger strut clearance heights can be realized and with the SBH patented adjustable clamping device even strut-free shoring pits are realizable.
Pits and trench ends can be closed all around by means of corner slide rails and shoring plates