The perfect work of art for design rooms.
In the early 1900, the masters of Expressionism and Abstractionism like Fontana, Burri and Pollock established themselves on the world artistic scene. For the first time, matter becomes the protagonist of the work itself which is torn out, burnt and painted with an instinctive and impulsive gestural expressiveness.
With their artistic taste and innovative style, Graven rugs draw inspiration from all that and, thanks to them, Sartori gives the rug the role of white cloth where the artist pours his creativity to create the work that expresses his visions and inspirations.
The extremely innovative and original Graven suits design rooms perfectly by enriching them with its value added: uniqueness.
Every rug, like a work of art, is not mass-recreated, but it is the result of a unique and artistic gestural expressiveness. We have created models which are useful for choosing a guideline of the design and assessing the quantity of carving, but every piece is unique.