Caddy for door-to-door collection and domestic composting
Stelo 10 is the kitchen caddy designed to collect in a simple and practical way the domestic organic waste.
It has a volume of about 10 litres.
• - Allows the total transpiration of the organic waste;
• - Eliminâtes bad odours generated by anaérobie bacterial activity;
• - Eliminâtes unpleasant leachates through the aération System and the proper biodégradable liners:
• - Facilitâtes the disposai of organic waste by the user thanks to the wide and convenient opening;
• - It is particularly sized for easy positioning under the kitchen sink
• - Lid and stem available in the PROTECT version.
Made of recycled polypropylene
100% virgin recyclable polypropylene
Resistant to UV rays and chemical, biological and atmospheric agents
Wide front lid grip for easy opening
With micro-drilled surface to allow better aeration
Fastening system for shopping bag handles
Walls with slots inclined to the outside that allow better air circulation
Sealing bottom to hold any liquid leak
Lowered hinges to facilitate the liner insertion
Upper edge with rounded corners with liner holding function
Wide front space for the customization
With lid supporting function
Pivot and handle with automatic locking mechanism
Vertical single piece black plastic handle with two pivot points
Sturdy strong grip
Allows the lid to be propped open
With lid locking mechanism to prevent spillage and interference from pets
Recycled PP from post-consumption “Plastic Second Life” certified
Graphic customization through thermal printing in white
Various colours available on request