Clay genuine bricks for reclaimed walls.
The product "TUMBLED" is an authentic brick. The alternative market is made up of stone veneer from resin material, plastic, reclaimed brick. Our range of product is in terra cotta, certified, healthy, durable, unalterable, natural, inimitable. Economically it is also a saving product. The aesthetic values are guaranteed in the homogeneity of the supply and in the continuity of the production lots. The production process allows you to customize the appearance of the result with different degrees of aging and diversification of color blends.
In cases where it is necessary to build the original wall and in cases of search of atmospheres and authentic flavors, the wall is realizable with the brick "TUMBLED". In the production phase, the brick is subjected to specific aging processes that, with the uniqueness of the formula "BLEND", that is a patent of the product line "SELMO", allow you to achieve vintage results indistinguishable from the reclaimed brick. Not just a brick made in the "old fashioned way" (genuine hand made or soft mud made) - but a brick worked and mixed with quality and reliability offered by a primary manufacturer in a market where the offers are often not qualified.