Full of symbolic references to the Bearn: a crown to commemorate the birthplace of a Swedish king as well as a French King, Edelweiss, a flower synonymous with Spring in the Pyrenees and a symbol of purity and innocence, the hand so often seen as a brass knocker on the doors of Béarnaise houses and a Turtledove, the namesake of the chateau’s barn La Grange aux Tourterelles, almost never without at least one to adorn its roof. This Turtledove barn wallpaper has the colorway indigo blue.
Designed by Sara Bergqvist & Karolina Kroon
Pattern Repeat - 10 inches / 26.5 cm
Pattern Match - Straight
Light Fastness -
Excellent color light fastness >6-8 on Blue Whool scale (50-100 years in normal conditions)