MY_ART is a decorative glaze characterized by the transparent presence of multicolored micro-crystals. The ideal finish for customizing and decorating a multitude of surfaces. Can be applied to both new and old plasters, concrete, plaster and gypsumboard substrates, and wooden surfaces including chipboard and plywood.MY_ART lends itself to application on decorative bases such as those of the MARCOPOLO and CADORO lines, on relief or on water-based paints such as BRAVOCASA and UNIMARC SMALTO MURALE OPACO, for original and striking final results. With some imagination, you can obtain a wide variety of decorations simply by overlapping textures and colors.The special formulation of MY_ART, free of formaldehyde and added plasticizers, is respectful of living comfort.My_Art comes as a transparent colorless product.When the work is finished, use water to clean the tools.
Product created paying attention to environmental sustainability.
To use according to current health and safety regulations (face-mask and airing).
If the support is irregular, treat holes and hollows with TAMSTUCCO PASTA. Fix any fillings or crumbling walls with ATOMO, then apply finishing.
Apply on backgrounds covered with water-based paints Bravocasa, Unimarc Smalto (enamel), Murale Opaco (wall matt) or the Marcopolo or Cadoro decorative systems.To deal with wall mildew, before painting, clean the surfaces with COMBAT 222.