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Reduction in installation time of the flow limiter
Handling: light apparatus, easy to manipulate
Factory installed and set
Economic equipment
Availability: apparatus in stock
Decennial warranty via insurance supplemented by an Epers
Limitation of rainwater flows downstream of the retention basins, valleys, hydraulic structures.
Regard polyester with speed control vortex integrated type PVX
Suitable for low flow rates storm
Composite sandwich board manhole, equipped with a flow limiter of the PVX type
Nominal diameter of the vortex from 40 to 100 mm
Input and output connections by lip seals
Regard PVX incorporates the PVX vortex flow limiter, and allows for direct installation. An air core forms in the vortex, as such limiting the flow returned.
Overflow DN 160 - TPL160
Polyester riser - RHP800
Cover A15 - COU800LR