The crown of any pitched roof building.
Roof insulation can be one of the most effective ways to increase the thermal performance of any building, creating more comfortable environments and reducing energy bills. ROCKWOOL ROCKFALL® insulation is compatible with all types of pitched roof systems and will also enhance the acoustic and fire performance of a roof space.
ROCKFALL® has been specially designed as an over rafter mineral wool insulation system for warm pitched roofs and habitable lofts. The system is made up of HARDROCK® Multi-Fix (DD) Overlay Boards that are mechanically fixed over the rafters, ROCKWOOL FLEXI® is then fitted between the rafters.
The build-up of ROCKWOOL mineral wool insulation provides excellent thermal performance to keep homes cool in summer and warm in winter. The insulation is also effective for acoustic and fire performance, reducing the level of noise entering buildings through the roof and acting as a barrier should a fire break out. ROCKFALL® helps to create safe and comfortable environments, in the home or in the work place.
• Rated Euroclass A1 non-combustible, ROCKFALL® offers the highest level of fire resistance, a safe insulation solution whatever the setting.
• The insulation also acts as an acoustic barrier to external noise pollution, creating a quiet a relaxed environment.
• As a fully breathable and vapor permeable system, no ventilation is required at roof voids or at eaves and ridges.
• The risk of condensation on roof timbers is significantly reduced by using ROCKFALL®.
• The insulation system is adaptable to any pitched roof configuration.