Aira is a cantilevered staircase that makes visual lightness its signature style. The steps appear to float in space, free from supports or load-bearing structures, in a perfect balance of materials, shapes and finishes.
Lightness and stability
Aira is a cantilevered wooden staircase which includes finger joint beech steps 6 cm thick that are fixed directly on the wall through a patented anchoring system. It is the complete absence of structure that makes this cantilevered staircase an extraordinary piece of décor.
The materials are the true protagonists
The absolute minimalism of the staircase’s structure project visual lightness and turns the materials into the real protagonists. The increased thickness of the step enhances the illusion of suspension in a perfect equilibrium of wood, steel, and glass.
Patented fixing system and thicker step
From a safety point of view, Aira is an open staircase which great holding performance. The secret that allows us to obtain such an aesthetic effect without compromising stability is the fixing. Aira is in fact installed with a patented fixing system that ensures maximum hold with minimum bulk. Very important is even the thickness of the step – 6 cm – and the handrail which takes on a stabilizing function.
The transparency of glass enhances the feeling of lightness
Aira can be installed with two different railings for indoor staircases. The first is made in structural glass panels (8+8 thick), fixed to the step through stainless steel joints and is an option that keeps on playing with the idea of lightness of the whole structure thanks to its transparency. The second option is a steel railing made of columns and wires.