LED electronic price change units (EPCUs) for filling station pylons are modern element of petrol station management. Application of Super-bright Outdoor Long Life LEDs ensure good visibility and legibility in all weather conditions, even in the summer sun exposure. The choice of LED digit’s height and colour allows to adjust the device to customer needs. The thin-profile casing gives the possibility to modernize the existing pylons. Easy installation, few controlling options, possibility to turn off any price and a flash effect are the additional advantages arising from the application of our LED EPCUs. Moreover, our devices are made in modular technology, along with with high degree of protection against external factors - IP 67.
Each display has the ability of merging digit modules - setting them next to each other in order to build a display device from 1 to 6 digits. Such possibility - thanks to the optional aluminium installation adapter - creates a product ready to be mounted in the pylon right after taking it out of the box!.
As a manufacturer, we guarantee spare parts inventory, service, and the ability to modify our products. The displays are operational with coded remote controllers. Optionally, you can control our EPCUs via LAN, WiFi or Radioline by our price management software - RGB Pylon or with some of the most popular communication protocols on the market, such as V11, Tokheim, Petro Vend, Dresser Wayne, IFSF, etc. Our LED price displays are also supported by specialized forecourt controllers: DOMS PSS 5000, Hectronic, Unicode, etc.