Quality – This is the finest paint on the market for its aspect and depth of matte. Our new undercoat makes it possible to use colours which were once considered "impossible," and to apply them in a single coat, which avoids all risks of retouching and excess layers.
Types of rooms – With the exception of bathrooms and kitchens, this paint may be used in all living spaces. Pre-treat surfaces with our oil- and water-repellent primer. Ideally, apply with a paint-sprayer and absorb any surplus by dabbing carefully with a cloth, rather than rubbing. This avoids a polished aspect. However, avoid excess use of water or any oily material.
User advice – Apply over the tinted primer for mineral paints.
Surface aspect – Deep matte, classic or contemporary, according to the colours and effects chosen.
Tools – Special natural bristle brushes for the Cloudy effect. Synthetic bristle Limewash brush for the Dragged Lime effect.